
A New Awakening Part 7 J3

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"Sammy..." I finally lost everything as my body was not a toy and my mind vanished. My last thought was, Will I ever be the same again?

Floating... Peaceful drifting... Oh how much at peace I've been. Finally I get some time to spend in my beloved emptyness, even if I'll never remember being here when I'm alive. But oh how I love my current state! It's the only time I can actually rest in peace... But wait, something's missing. I must search for it, even if it means leaving this place. I feel...incomplete. A portal leading to the living world is opening up. I don't feel right going there without a body but perhaps I don't need one? Perhaps I could borrow one? I don't feel right going there but I'll be back to my beloved someday. I will be back...


The portal closed behind me and I began to search for my missing part. It was just barely night time and there was a campfire nearby. There was an anthro cyndaquil and flygon and a rayquaza. The anthro flygon was reading a book, the anthro cyndaquil was tending the fire, and the rayquaza was hugging something and muttering things like "it's only a few days..." or "I hope he's ok..." and even "I just hope that doesn't happen to him..."

{Ok guys, I'm back with some firewood.} A voice came from a lucario in the north. {I had an encounter with a honchkrow and his gang so sorry I took so-} She stopped and dropped the wood, paralyzed.

"Hey what's wrong?" The anthro cyndaquil asked.

{G-g-g-g} She stuttered.

"What is it?! Spit it out!"

{Ghost!!!} She howled.

Everyone practically scrambled at that, trying to figure out where I was. But the only one that was scared was that lucario. The anthro pokemon grabbed something out of their backpacks that looked like a pair of binoculars and began to search for me. The rayquaza wasn't paying attention as she continued to cling to what appeared to be a large black rayquaza plush. When the anthro pokemon saw me, they dropped their tools and pulled out their pokedexs.

This is what their pokedexs said with growing speed and pitch: "No pokemon data found. *BZZT!* Pokemon unknown. *BZZT!* Error, error. Type unknown, number unknown. Error, data missing, data missing. *BZZT!* Unauthorized program entry. Unauthorized data manipulation. Malfunction! Malfunction! Malfunction..."

It slowed down really fast on the last "malfunction" and stopped working properly. It was mainly due to me searching for information about the two anthros. But I think I scared those two as they apparently hadn't seen something like that before. The commotion had caught the rayquaza's eye for a second before she looked back down and muttered, "So... You've come..."

I used the anthros' pokedexs to speak with her (which caused the two to jump back, dropping them). "Yes, I believe you have something of mine."

"Well you can't have it! I don't care if you need it to rest in peace, I'm keeping it so you may live again!"

Finally, one of the two anthros, mainly Stiger from the information I gathered, spoke. "S-Sam, what the hell is going on?!"

"He's an Umbra, a soul that is cursed to roam between all worlds in search of the pieces of their being. They're like ghosts but they can interact with matter in any way, shape, or form and can even change it to something totally different. I believe this one is James."

The two anthros were in disbelief. I could tell that they were both thinking along the lines of "How does she know this?!" I was greatly puzzled by the sudden feeling of familiarity with the name James. "James? Why does that seem so familiar and yet so distant?"

"Because it's your name!" She yelled.

I scowled. "I have no name. The word Umbra is just your word to give a name to something that is and should forever be nameless. Now I want my remains."


"I don't wish to fight. Unless you give them to me I will be forced to take action." She said the same thing so I did exactly what I said I would. I found the lucario curled up into a ball in a phobic fear behind a tree. She most likely saw my aura as she howled in fear and tried to run away. But I was far faster than anything in this or any other world except for light, of which moved at the same speed as I could. It's so much easier to take control of a living thing when it's morbidly afraid because it lowers their natural defenses to the point of almost nonexistance. She hardly put up a fight as I took over her body. Everything she knew was added to my existing knowledge. "I'm not going to ask again. Give me my body!"

"NO!!!" Apparently she had been rummaging through some technical machines as she hit me with a flamethrower attack which caused me to abandon the body so I couldn't feel any more pain.

The rayquaza, of whom I now recognized as Samantha, began to chant something and her eyes were beginning to glow. "What's going on?!" Stiger nearly shouted.

"I don't know, I haven't seen something like this before!" Ross, the anthro flygon, exclaimed.

I knew exactly what she was trying to do. She was sending me away from here and forever keep me from going back to my beloved by sending me to the gap between dimensions! "I will be back." I quickly opened a portal to my beloved and went through it. I then quickly closed it before her enchantment could hit. Back with my beloved, back in my home...


"-up. Now remember, he has no clue as to what happened during his time as an Umbra so don't say anything about it!" Was the first thing I heard when my hearing returned.

I groaned. "Ugh, what happened? Why do I feel so fat?"

"That's because you are. Ross is still having magic problems." Sam informed me.

"Hold on, I got this!" Ross hit me with a spell that got me back to normal, albeit in a little sickening way. But it caused my tongue to increase several meters in length and coil onto the nasty tasting ground. My tongue tasted strange though.

"Wow, can you move that whole thing?" Sam joked.

I growled lightly. Ross used his magic to wrap my tongue around my body so it wasn't on the ground. My body tasted funny as well. "Cam thu thix thiph?" I asked.

"Sorry James." Ross fixed my tongue.

A sudden key seemed to turn inside me as I felt memories and experiences that didn't feel like mine appear. "Sam, were you chanting something earlier?"

She froze in place. "H-how did you know about that?"

"I remember you chanting something and your eyes glowing."

She sighed. "Well I guess the secret is out. James, I'm not just your cousin. I was a member of a secret organization that was dedicated to fighting beings called the Umbra (the ones that were causing havoc anyway). We called them that because Umbra is latin for shadow or ghost."

I finally couldn't take it anymore. "OK!!! I am oficially confused as to everything that has happened!!!" I exclaimed.

"Same." Both Ross and Stiger agreed.

"But guys..." I began, feeling kind of dizzy. "Why is everything getting...all..." I fell into a trance of sorts and couldn't move voluntarily (but I could still think).

"Ross, cou-" Sam began until Ross cut her off.

"No, this will pass on it's own."

"Oh ok. At least nothing will happen if I say something like 'James, I command you to chase your tail' or something right?"

"Not really..."

I found myself chasing my tail and thinking, I'm really going to hate this... Could things get any worse?!


Me and my big mouth... I had ended up being a servant (or more like a slave) to everyone and hated every bit of it. With only one day left until my friends were out of their orbed prison I could not wait. I decided to go check up on Lance and Dragonfire but before I got there I ended up getting caught between a crossfire of two opposing gangs of murkrow and their honchkrow leaders which gave me some bad cuts and bruises. After I got through that I felt a random hyper beam from a battle below hit me with an explosion and cause me to fall to the ground and break my left arm. Luckily, I was right next to the cave so I just flew up to it. When I got there, Lance was awake but DF wasn't there at all. Lance was shocked at my condition.

[What happened to you?!]

I grinned weakly. "Just a little training before I go rescue my family and my soul." It was a big fat lie (and to be honest I almost forgot about it.) but he bought it.

[You shouldn't have to hurt yourself that badly while training!]

"Most of my injuries are accidental." I held up my left arm. "Banged up my arm pretty bad too."

[Why don't you rest here for a bit, I'm sure Fire could lead you to this "guy" she's been talking about to help you heal those wounds.]

"Thanks, I'll do just that." I flew near the back of the cave and coiled up. With a deep breath I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep...but I could not. I kept them closed anyway.

[I'll find a way to get back at you for what you did to me James.] I heard Lance mutter. [I will certainly hoe that Arceus will give you the punishment you deserve.] I heard her fall asleep with that large buldge in her stomach.

Did I hear that correctly? Did she really just say that? It's probably just my imagination. Suddenly, Dragonfire flew in. "'Ello."

He was surprised to see me. [James! What are you doing here?]

"Well I came to check up on you guys but ran into a bit of trouble."

[I see... Is Lance asleep?]

"Like a log. She said something about a guy, who was he- I mean she- talking about?" God I'm really have a hard time remembering this gender-switching stuff!

Fire sighed. [Doctor Selom.]

If I was still capable of snapping my fingers I would. "I know him! He cured me of a past traumatizing experience! I still don't like to talk about it so don't ask."

[Alright, follow me.] He flew out of the cave with me close behind him and, after an hour's flight, we reached reached another cave with none other than Doctor Selom in it. [Doctor Selom, I'm back and have someone who needs to be bandaged.]

[Ah yes, I've been expecting you for some time now James. Welcome to the only hospital in Sinnoh that is run by pokemon to help pokemon. It was founded by a blissey named Marilla who wanted to help others in a way where a pokemon could play a bigger role in the world after seeing several of them wounded in a war long ago. She eventually gathered a group of devoted individuals and started this hospital. Not long after that, the legendaries (as you know them) got involved when one latios named Josel came in with his mortally wounded sister Sarel. The team of pokemon working at the time managed to bring the latias to full health and word spread like wildfire among everyone except the humans. Things were going great until the issue with the discovery by the human race arose. It was quickly fixed by a psychic barrier placed around the grounds of this place that causes any human that doesn't know about this hospital to turn back. But enough of the history lesson, lets get that arm fixed.]

He used things that I was familiar with like healing potions, bandages, and other things from hospitals and pokemon centers but there were things I'd never seen before or had never thought of using in such a way. When he was finished, he told me not to remove the bandage for a few days. [Since pokemon have a higher healing rate than humans (even more so for legendaries), you don't have to wear it as long.]

"Thanks, I really appreciate it."

[You're welcome. Just one thing: don't let the humans know about this place, I can't stress that enough.]

"I won't." I smiled and waved goodbye as I flew further into the cave and into a huge room where DF was waiting for me.

[You ready?]

"Yeah, lets go." As soon as we got back to his lair we parted ways and I flew back to the campsite. I got questioned about my bandage but when asked how I got it I replied with, "I know a guy." It drove my friends who weren't originally pokemon nuts but the others knew exactly what I was talking about. Before we all went to sleep that night I placed my two orbed friends a good distance apart from each other so they would have room when they came out. Yawning, I coiled up next to Samantha and fell asleep.


Mist... Mist is everywhere... A figure is forming... What is this figure? Is Yes it is...but it's a younger me...crying out and in pain. He's trying to say something but no sound is coming out. But I can understand everything he's speaking. "Save me! Save me! I can't take it any longer, someone help me!"

I am trying to speak but I have no way to communicate. You can't do it...not on your own. I want to help but there's no way of knowing how or where you are. No way of knowing...

"Big me? Is that you? If it is then please lend me your strength so we can be together again in our rightful place!"

I couldn't argue, nor wanted to. I lent him as much of my strength as I could, although I couldn't shake the feeling that something was helping me to accomplish this. The mist died away, showing darkness that was slowly being pushed away by a light from underneath us. My strength was being sapped but I still continued to help him until, finally, the light filled the entire prison and we started to fade away. But before we faded completely, I saw him smile and actually laugh now that he was free...


I woke up in a bed that I recognized as the pokemon center's. I couldn't figure out why they decided to leave this body of mine in the center... But I pushed the thought aside as I quietly flew out of it and opened the window. Flying through it, I went towards the campsite and the first thing I heard when I got there was a panicked, "Where's Jimmy?!"

{Right there apparently.} Omni answered, pointing to me.

[Hi!] I said happily.

Sam scoffed. "That's not Jimmy!"

[Yes I am Sam! ...Hey that rhymed!]

{Sam, the aura very rarely lies. You can control it to a certain extent but you can't change the identity signature it has.}

[Saaaaaammmmmmyyyyyy...] I whined. [Why won't you believe me?]

"Because you're way too young and you're acting like a little kid! Plus, you're not even speaking English!"

I suddenly felt control of my body switch to my older half. "I can't help it if my younger half comes out Sam. We're kind of sharing the body." I replied. "Even though"[We're thinking as one. ...Boy this is confusing...]

"Don't go all borg or whatever on me!"

[What does she mean by that?] "It's on a television show where I come from." [Oh.]

"What's going on?" I heard Cha- Wait, CHASE?!

"So how was it?" Ross asked the two.

"Never. Again." Veronica looked shaken a little.

"But at least we can kee pthe orbs..." Chae mused optimistically.

"James, come with me." I gulped. If Sam wants me to follow her somewhere it usually means something bad. "NOW!"

"I'm comng, I'm coming!" I followed her t oa secluded area in the forest. [Where are you taking me?]

She stopped, turned around, and knocked me out.


When I came to, I found myself face-to-face with my minime...and a surprised cousin. "Sam, what did you do?" I was confused and my arm still hadn't healed (obviously); my head hurt like hell.

"I don't know... I just tried to knock some sense into you when you just popped out of nowhere!"

[My head hurts!] My minime whined, clutching his head.

"I know how you feel." I gently patted him on the back only to be sucked back into the body. "Urgh... That was unpleasant..."

Sam sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

[I want to play...]

"Erm... The older James, ca nyou at least try to come out?"

"I'll try..." I found myself back in my older body again. "Ow..."

Sam cocked her head in confusion. "Does it hurt?" I nodded. "Then I think you should hold off on doing that again."

[I'm hungry...] My minime continued to complain.

This put a horrified expression on both mine and Sam's face. "We'll be right back Junior." We both went off about fourty meters before she asked me in a hushed tone, "When was the last time you ate in that body?"

"I can't remember." I answered in the same hushed tone. "The only things I've eaten were certain berries but I hadn't had any of the milk a baby should have. At least I think I'm supposed to have the milk..."

"You idiot, if you hatched from an egg you normally don't need the milk!"

"But how are we supposed to find the right berries to feed him?!"

"Simple, we use your memory."

"So lum and starf berries?"


"Ok." We flew back to my minime only to find that he was nowhere in sight. "Great! Now where did I go?!"

"I think he-"

[WAAAAAHHH!!!!!] We turned to find him being chased by a swarm of beedrill.

Sam quickly scouped him up before we started to fly away. "What did you do?!"

[I was only trying to find the others! I didn't mean for those to attack! I- I-] He broke down crying. I couldn't blame him, I used to cry a lot when I was younger so it must've carried on to him.

Sam tried to calm him down when I noticed that the beedrill were retreating. I began to wonder why when I heard the Machine approaching us. (It sure was a loud thing.) It sent out a set of capture rings that were heading straight for Sam! "S-Sammy..."

"Yeah?" She was completely oblivious to the projectile heading for her.

"Watch out!" I knocked her and my minime out of the way and ended up getting captured.

"Jimmy!" She tried attacking my sphere cage but no matter how hard she tried it would not break.

"Sam, you need to go tell the others ASAP! Don't try to save me on your own or else you'll end up like my dad. Please, you guys are my only hope..." I sound like Princess Leia in Star Wars... The sphere began to carry me towards the Machine. "I just hope everyone isn't in too much pain..." I muttered sadly as the view of possibly the last chance of ever seeing my last Earthly relative was fading into the distance. I've caused everyone too much pain...
Argh! I accidentally pressed backspace so I lost everything... -_-; Now I forgot what I was going to say...

Lance and his pokemon, James and other characters, and everything else not mentioned is (c) of *Lance100usa

Rossmallo and his pokemon is (c) of ~rossmallo

Stiger and his pokemon is (c) of ~Chrisstiger

pokemon is (c) of Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Gamefreak.
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Arthas972's avatar
I've been reading this story a couple times trying to figure out why 'The Machine' sounds so bloody familiar to me, I knew I heard of it in Pokémon before....

Just now I finally figured it out....

It's from Pokémon 2000, no doubt about it. In the movie, the collector had a massive ship he used to hunt down legendaries. And he used huge rings to capture them. There was also an AI on-board to monitor the systems.